Bad 😕 It seems that Central Board of Secondary Education [CBSE] has not focused enough on responding to their consumers’ feedback. Because of this, many concerns and issues remain unaddressed, making customers feel ignored and dissatisfied with their experiences.
I got one document from Indian school of Business Management & Administration, Pune vide doc. no. :[protected] on 11.08.08. Delivery boy who came for delivery don't know how to speak with customer. He came and immediately started to knock the door continuously rather than bell and single knock. I came to door hardy in next 3-4 min and I told him why you are knocking like this. He shouted immediately and told me that this is my duty....
Dear Sir/ Madam,
My PAN Card is not Reached to me till now. Kindly Arrange to send it at my add. written ar the end, This is ny second reminder through internet. First reminder is on dated 25/07/2008.
Deatail are as follows;
Application Sr. No.[protected]
Date of Recipt : 03/10/2007
Proceving fee Coupen no. [protected]
PAN Service Centre Code : 2WBD608
PAN Service Centre name...
Dear sir/madam,
I applied for pan card in the month of april 2008. My pan information is available on internet but still i do not receive my card.
My pan card details are :-
PAN no :- AMBPA9543M
Jurisdiction :- PNE/W/53/1
So please take needful action to receive my card.
I came to pune for the education purpose so please kindly send the card on foll.address,
I am a PG student of Anna University, I got placed in a company where there are more probablities to send us to abroad within a year.So i started the toturing process of applying passport.Initially i tried in my native (Erode).Since i am in chennai they asked for proof of staying but i can get only bonafide certificate from the college, Since PG students dont hav hostel facilities we are already sruggling with the...
I have not received my admit card for clerical exam of state bank of india and i do not know that my exam to be held on 6th of july 08 or any date. my registration no. is 5873724 and my Roll no. is [protected]
Please help me as soon as possible.
File: Ref No. A041014
I have applied for my passport on 5-3-2008..
But it is now showing me the status :
"Police Report is adverse, a show-cause notice is being sent by Post "
What does it mean.?
when i go to the pasport office Lucknow they dont clearly tell me any thing..they haven't done anything new about my passport..
Actually i have given my college hostel room no....
good morning sir,
I have got my pancard. my name is sureshbhai D vadher. my pan crd number is AHCPV9382P. MY Complaint regarding to printing error writing of my father name
so kindly request on give proper responce....
Dear sir,
I am doing PGDM (2nd semester) from Institute of Management and Research, Ghaziabad.I have taken my speclization in Retail Management .
So I want to do summer traning from your company to enhance my knowledge in Retail sector. Please give me chance to show my knowledge and skill in retail sector.i will be thankful to you.
i am nagaraj. i am using prepaid connection from airtel. i was trying to change my plan to TM. but i receiving the message as Cont change the plan. i had complained to customer care but no response from them. will you help me to change my plan. I am lossing one ruppee as daily rental for message.