[Resolved]  Tata Sky — No communication, Robs the customer with useless channel packages.


I had sent the following letter to the CCOO of Tatasky only, to receive no reply, Wondering what has gone with tataSky.
The letter explains the problem clearly.

This is in regards with the continuing problem of the channel offerings from TataSky and the rate at which they are offered.
People bought TataSky with trust in the name of the brand 'TATA' not knowing that they are going to face problems relating to it.

The Problem:

1. Channels that don't interest the customer are added, the channel count
is increased only to lure the new customers.

On contacting the customer care relating to this, all we get as reply is that
the channel is available only on customer's choice??.
Who chooses what the customer likes or dislikes? CC: Sir, we take surveys relating
to channels on regular intervals of time, Its TataSky who suggests us what to
show and what not to show.

We run a forum, where all the customers can login and discuss problems relating
to TataSky and this is the place where we even suggest a few people to choose
TataSky over the other competitors given the quality of video/ audio.

Not one member on this forum has said that they have received any such survey.
Where is the survey happening?

2. Channels that interest the customer are added to special add-on packs

Yes, this is happening. The customer care executive has another strange reply to that, 'Sir, the channel distributors give it as a package and we give it to u'.

We as customers would not mind the packages if they were designed to suit us. A person who wishes to only see some South channels and some sports has to pay for the full pack. Even if he subscribes to ur pack, the charges are unacceptable.

When these channels are available for free as FTA, Why do u put them under special packs?

Why are these free tp air channels not free??

TataSky receives a carraige fee from the channel boradcasters for putting them on the platform, Then why charge money from the subscribers?
U guys have not stayed away from sending us ad's via alerts, all ur active services are crap and filled with ad's, U get the money, The customer suffers.

3. Latest News: ESPN STAR, Star cricket moving to a spl pack called sports platinum pack, charged at Rs.75 a month.

When TataSky gets these channels at a much lower cost, why not pass the benifits on to the customers. TataSky decides whats good and whats bad for the customer, expecting the customer to take it just like in jail. It just does not make sense.

I[censored] removing the channels and charging them in a separate pack why not reduce the base pack rates by the same amount, The base pack rates only go down for a bit, the add on pack rates are always high. Simply indicates Tata is money minded.

No reason is still given for having removed 13 zee channels, Rate still staying the same. If TataSky removes something, the money is saved, TataSky earns while we suffer.

4. Speculations, Speculations, Speculations.

Nothing in TataSky is clear or transparent, All the policies are hidden, The customer care does not know one bit about TataSky, We are more updated about the happenings in TataSky than the customer care itself, We run a forum that is a
better and valid source of information than TataSky customer care Center.

Given all the speculations that remain unclear, We the forum members have decided to start a hate thread against the service and have decided not to suggest anybody TataSky even when TataSky is offered for free.

We did suggest a few people, based on quality of service, It was bad but acceptable at that time, TataSKy claims its picture quality to be DVD, but has never understood the Term DVD quality picture and sound, We the customers accepted it.

Now the recent speculations on the channel packages make the same unacceptable, The quality is bad, u better take cable.

No particular reason is given for the removal of multiple camera angles, Highlights on demand for the IPL and the coming Australia west indies series, Only reply received, The content provider does not will to give, hiding the face that TataSky is not willing to pay for the same,

Revised Motto of TataSky:
We want more money, Not happy customers.
We want to lead the market, don't want to stay there.

Does not look like u want to stay there, as the big competitors enter, Tata makes a move that only leads to more customer disconnecting. Nice strategy! earn as much as possible before the launch of new services, then we will offer everything for free. Nice work Guys!

Make all this a part o[censored]r so much grouse website. It was never fun being on the website, There is nothing exciting.

Referral coupons are offered, But u need to buy through the customer care of TataSky at MRP, Does TataSky realize the discounts are available in the local markets. U have the STB in ur hand, and dont have to worry about getting it installed.

Buy it from the CC and have the tension of whether the product will be delivered on time, will it be in good working condition.
Let us all tell u, the programme is a failure. Get over it, Dont waste money on it. TataSky sure can make a fortune by it.

We were all happy customers, I[censored] dont realize, each o[censored]s in the forum have 1000+ balance on our accounts only trusting that no matter how bad the service is, we still feel it is better than the other providers. Now is the case where we deny this.
It has been the worst.

We will all be leaving happily once our balance is over. U guys enjoy our money. Thanks for making us realize, If it is Tata, stay away from it, even if it is free.
We can assure u one more thing, None of the forum members, TataSky Users are going to buy ur Nano car, We realize it now.
It may be cheap, but we are sure Tata has already formulated a way to cheat the customers and earn money from the Cust-se-mar (die of pain, customer). Lemme suggest u one, Make the engine run on a apecial fuel that can only be bought from Tata, Make money. Thats what u have been doing so far with TataIndicom to begin with, Now its TataSky's turn.

Thanks to u and ur services.
Time is still not run out, Time to improve.

Get to know ur customers and value them.
We are not dumb and silent like ur Customer Care.

Broad Band Forum - TataSky DTH Service

This is the point where TRAI needs to step in to preserve the customer rights, Can somebody make a petition for the same, can v do something about the problems associated, which is not a personal problem but a problem associated with 2 million customers. Tata as a product sucks big time.

For anyone reading this, do not buy TataSky or any tata product for that matter, Its always been a problem being a TataSKy subscriber.

[Read the blog for more problems associated with TataSky]
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Aug 14, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 


I am customer of Tata Sky, my ID is [protected]

When i was purchase the your product in December 07 i am not getting any discount or free monthly subsription offer from your side but at that on DISk TV are given 12 month free subsription but i have choose Tata Sky because i heard your service is little bit better than the other.

The proble is that in today all service provide other than the Tata Sky are given better quality and cheep rat.

So, i would like to request you that you must have to give some offers to your old customer also.


Sushil Kr. Singh
I completely agree with the sentiments shared by Mr. Kunal. I face similar issues. I'm paying more than rs 340 a month for 125 channels but I hardly watch 20. I've to subscribe to the complete package to watch my 20 channels. Sun Direct is offering all these channels at much lesser cost. Why can't Tata Sky bring down their prices. Why can't TATA Sky offer a package like 'pay for the channels you watch?'

Is TRAI listening?

Sundar S
hi TATA Sky watchers,

I agree with most of the comments about TATA Sky, It is the worth thing to happen in India, Govt should take action on the owners and put them behind bars, TATA has a name and reputation but TATA Sky is real night mare. They just dont bother about customer satisfaction. No one will ever be able to contact thier call center numbers as they put you permanently on hold. They remove channels on thier whims and fancies put up a screen saying contact TATA Help line..? and they dont answer.

I opted for the top end monthly package and every day I see more and more channels going off...

It is high time we all get together and take them to consumer court.

god help.. TATA Sky viewers...
ya i agree. yesterday i on my tv and when i moved to star sports channel only to see all the sports channel is gone. when confirmed i came to know that these channels has been moved to other package . it is so costly Rs. 75 per month. even only ten sports channel is on another package. i am really fedup of tatasky.i cant understand why they r doing like this. now i think dish tv was better.

Ya .we have to move to consumer court. otherwise it will continue like this only.
I m customer of tatasky...

There r many channels which we don't want to see and we don't like to see that...also the cost is high...n the package systems is just like fraud...I suggest them to make system like pay or only choose that channels which u like to see...

TATA SKY...[censored] OFF...
I m customer of TATA SKY DTH...service..

and i suggest all that..

Plz do not subscribe TATA SKY ...plz do not choose TATA SKY...

TATA SKY...is TOTAL Waste...

better u choose DISH TV..now..
I have suggetion and advice for TATA SKY DTH SERVICE...

> We have the rights to decide that what we like to see...and what we don't like to see...SO PLZ DON'T YOU DECIDE THAT.
> Make the systems by which we can choose the channels...bcoz..u r cheatting customers by creating different kind on packages...STOP that.
> Make ur helpline and website better than now...
> Make ur services better than now...OTHERWISE U'LL BE OUT FROM THE MARKET IN NEXT 1 YEAR...NOT MORE THAN THAT...
We have the right to decide that what we like to see and what we want to see...so make the system for that...BCOZ..WE ARE PAYING NOT U...


hello, ,

abhi mere package me star one...sony...zee cinema hai...agar tum use bhi dusre package me transffer kar donge to mujhe woh channels phir se dekhne ke liye naya package add karvana padega jiske liye tum phir se..30/40/70 rupees jyada longe...

Tata Sky is a complete cheat...They first discontinued all the signals from ESPN, STAR, STAR CRICKET, TEN & BBC...Nowhere it was mentioned in the tickers they were showing prior to 1st June 2008 that we need to approach customer care or the channels will be blacked out. Obviously after that all dissatisfied users would have started calling the customer care...So they ran away from that and shut down their call centres completely...I personally tried calling the call centre nos. since last 5 days for more than 30 minutes every time but didnt get thru. Sent them multiple SMSs to renew the sports package but I got an auto reply that they cannot fulfill my request. I wasted more than 1 months subscription on the calls I had made to customer care since last 5 days.

I am taking Tata Sky to consumer court...I would advise all Tata Sky subscrbers who have been frustrated because of this inexplicable move by tata sky to suddenly block all sports channels and then close all means of reaching them, to resort to legal action against tata sky. We atleast deserve 1 month free subscription to compensate for the trouble and telephone charges.
Totally agree Tata Sky cheated customer if any legal action or consumer court forum is planning I love to contribute my feedback and support the forum to teach lesson to them.
i want move the tatasky disk from one place to another and my registry no.sis [protected] theyshould have done it by 26.62008
but it has not been completed
Tata sky is fooling all indian customer, Does Amir Khan is listening !!!
Amir Khan such a superb actor should first think of how tata sky is cheating all indians by sucking more bucks before doing act for such a pathetic service provider.

TDSAT notice to tatasky over price hike ..



Day -1 experience itself had been extremely disgusting. It continues to be uglier...Is there a way to sue the company? We must take a legal route to have it banned with adequate compensation to all those who have lodged complaints...What happens to complaints logged in consumercomplaints.in? Does any regulatory body even bother to look into those and take measures to address those?
TATASky Cheating and misleading its subscribers http://www.simplymalayalees.com/forum_posts.asp?TID=491

Tata Sky — Useless Customer Service


I have to go through a pathetic customer service from TATA sky. I have been a TATA sky customer for more than a year.

Reason for Disatisfaction: Due to some work I was out of town for last 7 days and didn't get time to recharge my account. When I was watching TATA sky it went off due to my failue to recharge it on time. I called up your Helpline to check if you can give me a grace for a single day to use TATA sky. I was AMAZED to know that this is impossible. Your customer service cannot allow me to use it for a single day! I know, I will go ahead and charge this tomorrow. However, I wanted to tell you that your company is Worthless, Hopeless and useless. I will ensure that I inform at least 100 people that you have such a pathetic incompetent customer service.

I understand that this is not possible as you told me this is done by a computer. However, this was my comansense as a customer that it would be possible. As I am working myself in a customer support. Also I have been a customer of AIRTEL for last 3 years 6 months. And they have always assisted me.

NOTE: I will escalate this to higher authorities up their in your hierarchy. To tell them they won't be able to live more on this company and will lose to this competitive market.

If no acion is taken on this piece, I will switchover to any other brand in near future will ensure at least 100 people at my workplace, friends will be aware of this useless service.

On top of it after this complaint I got a pathetic call asking me if I want to discontinu the service. I said no "I do not want to!" as I do not have any other option but will have to keep that antena with me :-(

Thanks and Regards,
Ranjiv Sharma
Folks why dont we form as a group to address this issue to concerned people. I have list of 75 customers of tata sky who are disappointed with TATA SKY service they are ready to join with me to take this issue to TRAI. So i am planning to add more people in this list .

I request you guys to find more peoples from your area and send me the list to my mial id ([protected]@gmail.com)

First thing we have to come up with the list of customers who where not satiesfied with the service. then we will proceed further. so what you have to do is prepare the list whether they may be ur friends or relatives or neighbrs who ever using TATA SKY without satisfaction bring them in loop and send me the list.

tatasky doing fraud...

dear frd tatasky provide customer service for it's viewer's but all my frd know it in india many people are not computer littret they do not use internet services. and tatasky provide only one toll free service that is tatasky.com it is not enough.

it didn't provide any toll free no so that a customer can resolve his/her problem. im already in tatasky services so i know it very well how villegers face this pro.


tata sky dish connection (cable) — Tariff is high validity is less

Previously we use to refile our tatasky (cable) card with rs 350. & we use to get 30 days validity.
Now we are reffiliing our card with rs.400 but we are getting 15days validity.
I would like to request to you to please look in to my matter as soon as possible bcause i m loosing money in thise prosses.


tatasky dish (cable) — tariff



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