Having problems with PayUMoney?
File a complaint and get it resolved by PayUMoney customer care. It’s quick, effective and absolutely free!
Address: Assam |
Website: payu.in |
Address: surat |
Address: Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh |
Address: navi mumbai |
Address: Navi Mumbai, Mumbai City, Maharashtra |
Address: Gurgaon |
Address: 9th Floor, Bestech Business Tower, Sector 48, Gurgaon, Haryana – 122003 |
Website: payu.in |
• PayU, Merchant and Bank reference number.
• Scan copy of bank statement indicating the debit for the required transaction.
• Transaction date along with the amount.
• Email id or phone number used for processing the transaction.
• Last 4 digits of your card.
• UPI / VPA if any used