Business portal — Business Service in B2B

Address: Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Kindly request don’t register is No Fraud Business Portal Company

Dear all attention Indian business & friends No1 fraud India mart business portal B2B service When India mart sales manager told me just u one time enter in India mart your business go to largest development he saying price & company service like

He told me before my details and customer service one teem also fallow
1. you cant satisfied our service return your money my company
2. the total amount for one year 16000 +10.3 Tax
3. company create & update your products online web catalog
4. company give u secrete log in id
5. India mart search engine go to direct buy leads consumer post recruitment
6. u can contact direct consumer buy leads is free just u pay one time 16000 no additional charges u will get lot of business.

I will join after business promotion department people saying the service details
1. I register
2. company told use your email id & sel[censored]pdate
3. search engine go to check current buy leads
4. u find about your products leads
5. further u will go buy leads have to pay 10,000/- is minimum the amount ill give u 600 credit points (there leads is different of points minus your account if finish your credit points again have to buy points and you buy one time a leads the falls like return your points like that say.

I will ask before why u told me like that, he ill says I don’t know that i[censored] interested further u will go to India mart search engine buy you leads other wise sorry so now loss my money and he cant give the genuine leads all falls leads more came the B2B portal and he told consumer direct your e-mail contact from your web catalog seeing is all genuine messages only, but this also falls very high received always my e-mail and he count how many mail received one company, any problem u told then suddenly speak now u have received from our side lot of e-mail message is received always same told any body I will complaint include head office is not yet finish my problem still now one year same go always same talk , any body not yet answer properly is all lazy people always complaint don’t care the office and what he said that only hearing we what say that he don’t want hearing so how customer satisfied the company totally waste kindly request now Indian business people don’t register the website now is same again for u is same loss money again for u also. So better do develop your business other method don’t register
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Dear Sir,

We regret the inconvenience caused to you.

We have taken note of your concern and are looking to resolve it at the earliest.

Best Regards,
IndiaMART Customer Care Team

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