Address: | MOHIDAPUR, Binuria, Bolpur, birbhum, west Bengal, India, 731236. |
Immediately stop the tower that you are installing at Mohidapur Village Birbhum District West Bengal,
People living in nearby houses will have to suffer a lot,
The people of the neighborhood wrote the application and signed it and filed a complaint in the bdo office, SD office, Panchayat office, Pollution office,
If you don't stop working immediately, you will face many problems.
We have attached the receipt copy of the application to this complaint.
Airtel customer support has been notified about the posted complaint.
Apr 22, 2024
Updated by Panoti Respected sir / madam,
Immediately stop the tower that you are installing at Mohidapur Village Birbhum District West Bengal,
People living in nearby houses will have to suffer a lot,
The people of the neighborhood wrote the application and signed it and filed a complaint in the bdo office, SD office, Panchayat office, Pollution office,
If you don't stop working immediately, you will face many problems.
We have attached the receipt copy of the application to this complaint.