[Resolved]  Foce Watch — Twice problem occeured within warranty peroid.

Spoken to all foce company personel about the problem faced with my wrist watch of foce. Nodody is bothered to understand my problem. All of them are not responding after sending them a written complaint. Verbally also there is no responce. its been 40 days pased after subimetted my defecative watch.

Whenever I tryed to contact them they disconnect my line without listning. Its proving that I HAVE MADE A BIGGEST MISTIQUE BY PURCHASING SUCH COSTLY WATCH.

I dont know wether I will get the soultion even my defecative watch also lying with them.

*******I am attaching herewith the followups details so that you will come to know that the company CEO is also not worried about customer.******************************************************************

From: AC SBP MUM [mailto:acsbp.[protected]@resq.in]
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2009 7:00 PM
To: 'rb.[protected]@hotmail.com'; '[protected]@hotmail.com'
Subject: FW: My Foce watch has a manufacturing defect??


Asif Khan

From: AC SBP MUM [mailto:acsbp.[protected]@resq.in]
Sent: Sunday, October 25, 2009 3:49 PM
Subject: RE: My Foce watch has a manufacturing defect??


Asif Khan

From: AC SBP MUM [mailto:acsbp.[protected]@resq.in]
Sent: Saturday, October 24, 2009 2:14 PM
Subject: RE: My Foce watch has a manufacturing defect??


Asif Khan

From: AC SBP MUM [mailto:acsbp.[protected]@resq.in]
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 2:29 PM
Subject: RE: My Foce watch has a manufacturing defect??


Asif Khan
From: AC SBP MUM [mailto:acsbp.[protected]@resq.in]
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 10:26 PM
Subject: RE: My Foce watch has a manufacturing defect??


Still nobody is bothered to take care of my complaint.

Asif Khan
From: AC SBP MUM [mailto:acsbp.[protected]@resq.in]
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 3:54 PM
Subject: RE: My Foce watch has a manufacturing defect??

Dear Mr.Manoj,

Today is the 19th day of depositing the watch and still you are not bothered to give me a solution.

Asif Khan

From: AC SBP MUM [mailto:acsbp.[protected]@resq.in]
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2009 6:14 PM
Subject: RE: My Foce watch has a manufacturing defect??

Dear Mr. Manoj,

I think you have not understood my mail. Request you to please read my both previous mail where I had clearly mentioned that I don’t want any repair work with such expensive watch, I want only replacement or refund so that I can go with other higher brand / model by paying difference amount.

I have never told you to repair the watch since beginning is asking for replacement only. Yes I wants a mail from your side but which should be stating that “IN WATER RESISTANT WATCH WATER WILL DEFIANTLY GO INSIDE" as you verbally told me on 02.10.09.

Your dealer (maru time, vashi) and your Service Executive Mr. Ravi have promised me to provide replacement. Your dealer has called me on 09.10.09 for new replacement but due to nonavailability of same model was insisted me to go for other brand hence I had selected different higher model, but that day I had no bill with me so they called me very next day along with original bill .i.e. on 10.10.09 but denied on their commitment. Now I have a strong feeling that you people are enjoying by playing with customers like a football.

Hope you will regain my confidence towards FOCE by giving me a positive fever.

Thanx & Regards,
Asif Khan.
AC Service Business Partner,
Reliance ResQ,

From: FOCE WATCHES [mailto:rb.[protected]@hotmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2009 9:02 PM
To: acsbp.[protected]@resq.in
Subject: FW: My Foce watch has a manufacturing defect??

Date : 10th October 2009

Dear Mr. Asif,

We have received your first e-mail of yours on 8th October 2009 but we regret inconvenience caused to you for the delay is replying the e-mail.

Your watch with water resistance problem has been received by us on 28.09.09. On 2nd Oct 2009 I have personally spoken to you and assured you that the problem would not be repeated again.

The watch is ready since 2nd of October 2009 but you have told us not to send the watch to any center till you mail has been replied by us.

Please be kind enough to let us know if we can dispatch the watch to Maru Time (Vashi) where you have given the watch for repair or Maru Time (Thane) from where you have purchased the watch.

Our sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused to you.

Warm Regards,

Manoj Agarwal

Subject: RE: My Foce watch has a manufacturing defect??
Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2009 15:09:01 +0530
From: ACsbp.[protected]@resq.in
To: rb.[protected]@hotmail.com; [protected]@hotmail.com
CC: ACsbp.[protected]@resq.in
Dear Mr. Manoj,

Still waiting for your replay. Your dealer and the service executive Mr. Ravi Has committed me for new replacement. Yesterday Mr. Ravi has promised and suppose to call back with solution by the EOD of 09.10.09.

Let me be clear that I am not ready for repairing I wants only replacement or Refund under the circumstance of wrong commitment and harassment.

Thanx & Regards,
Asif Khan.
Reliance ResQ,
From: ACsbp mum
Sent: Thu 10/8/2009 12:29 PM
To: rb.[protected]@hotmail.com; [protected]@hotmail.com
Cc: ACsbp mum
Subject: My Foce watch has a manufacturing defect??
Dear Mr. Manoj,

I have deposited my foce watch to your dealer MARU TIME, Vashi on 25.09.09 due to having manufacturing defect in the watch i.e. "water is going in side the watch". Till date there is no action taken by the dealer as well as by the concerned company. I had purchased such a expensive water resistant watch then why there is a water problem?? I dam sure that this particular watch has a manufacturing defect, because in my family we have three watches of the same brand and same model which are working without a single problem. This is the second time am facing a problem with this watch, first time the belt lock had a defect and you have taken 30dayes to solve the problem. This time god knows....???????

While depositing I had instructed that somebody should call me from the company to understand me what action will be taken care???, but nobody is bothered in a company itself to understand customer grievances, hence I personally called up to your landline and spoken to you on 01.10.09 then you suppose to callback but no result hence I had again made a call to you on 02.10.09 that time as per our verbal talk you are trying to explain me that in "WATER RESISTANT WATCH WATER WILL DEFIANTLY GO INSIDE" Let me inform you that I am having titan brand water resistant watch which I have been using since 6 years and there is no problem at all. I had used it in rainee season also.

I will not accept the repaired watch I want either replacement or refund. Hope my request should be considered positively otherwise will definitely take up this matter to the consumer court and you will find my mail on blog also. Waiting for your kind replay.

Thanx & Regards,
Asif Khan.
AC Service Business Partner,
Reliance ResQ,
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Aug 14, 2020
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I am also facing the same problem with my foce watch. Water leaks inside the watch. Can you tell me how to contact the foce company members ?

Foce Watch — Watch is not working properly

I have bought a Foce watch from AVA Merchandising on 2nd December'09 but when i wore it for the first time on 18th March'10 it's not working properly and no reply after complaining them has been received.

Foce Watch — showing wrong time

My watch not working properly , when ever u adjust the time it will show wrong time with in the 2hours.

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