So far, so good. State Bank of India [SBI] is working on building a stronger response system and taking steps to address most of the complaints. While there's room for growth, their efforts show a positive trend in customer support. We hope State Bank of India [SBI] will keep up the work and continue to help more customers with their concerns even better 🤝
I dont know what is wrong with SBI. I received SBI Silver Credit Card # [protected] some where in the month of December'08, I accepted the card on the terms & condition of "No annual nominal Fee".
Point I
When I received the card along with the Brochure, it was mentioning "Nominal Fees"
Point II
The very same day I have shown my intentions toward non-acceptance...
I had a SBI Credit card No.:[protected]. Which was sent by the SBI credit card division. I used two or three times and paid all the amount purchased by me. I stop to used the said card when it came into my notice that there are so many unnecessary charged imposed into my credit card bill.
There after so many calls and threaten sent to me on my Cell No.
Now a legal notice vide ref no: QL/150/March/08/2918...
November onwards I am spoken to various represantatives of SBI credit cards and have numerous corresspondes as well. every time represantative promise of doing the needful but next time statement shows no correction. this matter is too large to mention here. Finally I requested them to send some responsible represatative to discuss the matter with me in person or to...
This Complaint is send to SBI . Customer Name Deepak Thawani
Surat (Guj) India Resident .
i had taken mediclaim insurance in nov 2006 from ur tieup compnay royal sundaram of rs 6000/-, in my sbi card, but due to technical reasons ur account dept. charged the same amount twicein november and december also. i had reported complaint atleast 40 times to your customer care number. they all says that its their fault and they...
This is in reference to the great service that SBI Card has rendered so far. I had been availing the credit card service for almost 5 years. As far as statement is concerned you must agree that there is least chance to receive before due date. Even the e-mail statement reaches at least 2weeks after the bill date. In contrast to what had been promised while issuing that the card is free for lifetime, every year I used to get the renewal fee....
Dear Sir,
On the basis of my application SBI credit card authority allotted me the above two credit cards (in the 1st. week of April ’06). But I never use these cards...
My Friend lost his ATM.When he updated his passbook in the bank he saw that 7500/- has been taken out of his account.
Is there any way to know from which ATM and at what time the cash was drawn from his account? So that it will help the police to trace the person who took out money from his account....
SBI collection team is the worst in india..........they hire all the dirty illeterate people,who dont have manners to talk to anyone not even females............i would request people not to get SBI credit pathetic...
i have given all necessary documents required for gold sbi card but after getting documents i have no reply from branch (dadar) bank as i also received verification call ....
I along with my wife are maintaining a saving account no. [protected] Cust ID no.9288774 & [protected] Cust ID no.9288772 in your branch at Jalandhar near State Bank of India, Opposite circut house, civil lines Jalandhar.
I want to close these accounts and with the reason visited your branch in the IInd week of December 2007 but I was told to visit your Branch adjoining Narinder Cinema, Jalandhar because our...
1. One fine day in Aug 2007 I received a demand draft by post at my residential address for Rs 34000/- in Aug 2008 for which I had never given any consent. It was totally against my wishes. I immediately called SBI Cards Call Centre which advised me to return the draft. The said draft was returned to the SBI by post under intimation to their customer care office. From late Sep 2007 onwards I kept on receiving calls from SBI, almost daily,...
I have submitted the life certificate on 29/01/2008, but till date my pension has not been released. On enquiry with Mr. Arumugam, officer at Coimbatore branch, it was informed that my documents are under process at PPC SBI Chennai. they do not know when it will be released.
I have...
I dont have any complaints. but i want to know the procedure for retrieveing the internet banking access.Because of communication failures not able to login internet banking first time itself. My Kit No: [protected]; Packet No: 35671; Circle Code: 03; Serial No: 78. Please give solution for this issue r if possible please retrieve this problem....
I'm Vikram Kotian I've A/c in SBI Bank in my Branch on March 8th, 2008, I've deposited cheque in Drop Box Provided in the Bank. But still after One week I cannot find my cheque and hasn't been honoured.
The Bank Employees are not in any position to trace my cheque and the reply has not been satisfactory from them. This the sheer case of the Banks Sloppy Work as they are answerable for Misplacing...
in the statement which has send to me by sbi cards simpli they hd charged lot of money without intimating to me,and also the interest calculation is wrong.i had paid almost half the amount of my due before the due date still they had taken interest for the whole amount,about this i had called to the customer service for the reversal of charges but negative was the repli,they are telling just pay the cash or cancel your card any one you can...
I was holding SBI credit card bearing no. [protected](now cancelled). I was making prompt payments before the due date. During Feb 2005, to my surprise, I received a draft for Rs 36, 500/- without my consent.However, I did not encash the draft and the same was returned to Delhi office.Since then, I have been getting payment reminders towards dues with heavy interest.I was getting many calls asking me to clear the dues.
In my latest SBI credit card statement (March`08), I found two transactions of Rs 32290 & Rs 460 were charged against me which I had not made. Card authority adviced me to send the complain through dispute form on 2nd March. I downloaded the dispute form from their site and e-mailed the duly signed scanned copy 3 times, sent FAX 4 times and hard copy through Speed Post twice. Already 8 days have passed. Still they have not confirmed...